What Working Dads Really Think About Working Moms
Hint: We're in awe.
Let’s admit it. Men lucked out when it comes to having children. There is no medical reason for them to give up alcohol or caffeine, their body stays the same (unless they indulge with their partner when her cravings set in), and most of all, they don’t have to undergo the intense pain and agony moms experience during the birthing process (not to mention the pain and discomfort she experiences for the entire duration of her pregnancy). But that’s not all! For the next few months (or years, depending on conditions like work or personal preference) she becomes a human feeding machine. I can well remember my wife lamenting how she felt like a human milk machine—and that was more than 17 years ago! Having had three children in the span of five years, it seemed as if my wife was never going to break out of this mom mold. However, witnessing her confidently and gracefully manage this new role she assumed from the moment we found out she was carrying our first born, my love and admiration for her skyrocketed (and if you know me, I was head over heels for my wife already.)
To make matters more intense, thanks mostly to mainstream and social media, moms have the pressure to look perfect when they finally have the energy and desire to step back into their professional role—or even to step out for a simple outing to the grocery store. Once again, men have the good fortune to roll out of bed, groggy eyed and unshaven (which sometimes is a look guys work to achieve) without a care in the world as to how they appear.
But allow me, moms, to set the record straight on behalf of dads everywhere: It is important to know that your talents do not go unnoticed.
Not only are you pillars of strength and affirmations of beauty, you are rock stars that exemplify how lucky men are to be your partner in sharing this life-changing experience of becoming a parent.
While you may wake up covered in spit-up from nursing through the night, bleary eyed and exhausted, we awaken to see wonder woman (à la Lynda Carter) poised and ready to take on an assiduous day ahead.
While you may scoff at the cheerios you find in your hair as you look in the mirror—after finally securing a moment to relieve yourself while your little one is resting—we witness a vision of beauty that emanates fortitude and finesse.
While you may feel self-conscious that your sweatpants are the only clothes you feel comfortable in for the next few months (or years) or so, we observe a powerful being that exudes confidence and allurement.
While you frantically shuffle to feed the kids, get them dressed and get ready yourself all before heading to work, we observe a self-composed superstar who magically multi-tasks and still manages to get out the door on time.
These are just a fraction of what dads really think of you, moms. So the next time you encounter a feeling of insecurity or get into a funk as you are struggling to get through the day, rest assured we husbands, dads or boyfriends are forever thankful and mystified by your agility and ability to multitask and juggle the responsibilities of being a woman, mother, career professional and partner-in-crime on this crazy journey of working parenthood.
The author of of Diaper Dude: The Ultimate Dad’s Guide to Surviving the First Two Years.
Chris Pegula
Chris Pegula is the author of Diaper Dude: The Ultimate Dad’s Guide to Surviving the First Two Years, and the creator of Diaper Dude, America’s most high-profile line of hip gear for cool dads.
Written by Chris Pegula for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.
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